Worship Ministries
Lay people are essential to our worship. The parish actively seeks a wide representation of our membership to serve at the altar. We welcome new members to participate as soon as they feel ready. Please contact the Church Office to learn more.
Youth and adults who wear vestments, light and extinguish candles, carry torches and crosses, assist with the collection and setting the altar. Rotating schedule, training provided.
Altar Guild
The Guild works behind the scenes to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday worship. They secure and care for the linens, vestments Eucharistic vessels & furnishings, make sure the hymn numbers are posted, and assist with the set up for weddings and funerals. Training is provided.
Altar Flowers & Sanctuary Candle
Our altar flowers & sanctuary candle are given each week in memory of loved ones or in thanksgiving for special blessings. At Easter & Christmas, we have large floral displays reflecting the memorial or celebratory donations of our parish family. Current donation amounts for altar flowers and sanctuary candle are available by contacting the Church Office.
Healing Ministry
People with a special call to offer prayers for healing during the time of communion.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs)
Wear vestments during the liturgy and help to distribute communion by administering the chalice. Other duties include carrying the Gospel book in procession and reading the Prayers of the People.
Read assigned lessons from the Scripture during Sunday worship.
Members who assist in the 10 a.m. service by greeting parishioners, handing out bulletins, passing the collection plates, counting the number in attendance and recording it in the log book in the sacristy.