Parish Ministries
If you are drawn to any of these ministries, your presence and energy would be most welcome. Care of each other belongs both to the clergy and lay people, making a true community. Please contact our Church Office if you are interested in participating.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Lay persons visit in pairs with people who are homebound, in a nursing home or suffering from illness. Requires a sensitivity to varying needs, most often involving a chat, prayers and the offer of communion. If you or someone you know is ever in need of a visit, please contact the office.
Pastoral Care Teams
Parishioners who have agreed to provide meals on occasion for those who are homebound or sick are divided into teams that alternate the duties. Might also involve transportation to a doctor’s appointment or store for those unable to drive. Other needs such as baking for a funeral reception may also be requested from time to time.
"Knit Wits" Prayer Shawl Ministry
This group meets every Wednesday at 1 p.m. in the Gordon Room to create the shawls that are given to those in need, celebration or comfort. All are welcome (whether a beginner or experienced knitter) to this afternoon of fellowship. For more information, contact Joan Powers, 781-545-9650,
Gardening Group
A dedicated group, led by Jan Michaud, that meets weekly in the warmer months and monthly in the colder temps to maintain our gardens and grounds.
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour is an informal fellowship time after the 10 a.m. service on Sunday. Contact the Church Office for more information.
Harvest Fair
Held on the first Saturday in November, the Harvest Fair is not only our biggest fundraiser, but a community tradition and a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and fun! Find out how to become part of this great event by contacting the Church Office.