These are our ministries that extend beyond our own walls to those in the larger world who are in need. There are many ways to participate, whether through hands-on activities, the donation of food and goods, or through your pledge to the Church.
Each month St. Luke’s hosts a dinner free to anyone who would enjoy a homemade meal and good company. We’ve provided thousands of meals and provided warm hospitality to members of our community in the years since the Dinner was initiated. Click here to learn more about our Community Dinners.
Started by the Scituate Clergy, the Scituate Food Pantry is now run by a Board of Directors. St. Luke’s supports the Food Pantry with ongoing collections of non-perishable foods, collected in a basket in our Narthex. We also have parishioners who volunteer their time at the pantry to sort and distribute donations of food.
Social Justice Group
Our group is represented by parishioners who are interested in leading events both educational and transformative around all issues of Social Justice. We have protested, participated in walks, advocated, and done educational events for the parish and community. We are always looking for new ways to engage in this ministry in a meaningful way. We invite anyone interested to join us in this work, even just to help with one event. We currently meet monthly on the 2nd Sunday after the church service, both in person and on Zoom.
St. Luke's supports Scituate Community Christmas in their mission to "meet the needs of our community at Christmastime and throughout the year by supporting families during times of hardship while inspiring the values of kindness, compassion, philanthropy and volunteerism."
St. Luke's supports the Malawi Children's Mission in their mission to "create conditions in which Malawi’s orphans can thrive." MCM focuses on "providing an environment in which a child can develop potential and a future."