Church Building
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church unites ancient and modern, Catholic and Protestant, faith and intellect. We do so in our worship, in the lives of our congregation members, in our very building.
St. Luke’s started as a community of people before they had a building, in 1956, worshiping first at Jenkins School and later at the Masonic Temple. The church building located at the enterance to the town was completed in 1965.
Unlike many Episcopal Churches which emulate the stone Gothic style of late medieval Europe, St. Luke’s worship space brings tradition into its modern culture and setting. The earliest Church used the metaphor of the church as a ship sailing ‘upside down,’ on the heavens so the main worship space of an Episopal church is called ‘the nave’ after the hull of a ship.
A founding member of the parish, Fred Rolfe, a ship builder by vocation, designed our building. Visitors often notice first the soaring ceiling of the nave and its wooden ship hull.
Churches are often decorated with stained glass windows teaching events from Jesus’ life or fresco paintings. Our church space uses clear windows and light to celebrate God in creation. Visitors will notice, though, the mural in our narthex – the church foyer – which unites the shoreline of Scituate with holy events reported only in the Gospel account of our patron saint, St. Luke: the annunciation, the visitation of Elizabeth and Mary, and the birth of Jesus in a stable.
And yet the center of St. Luke's is still where it began, with the people who form a community of faith which welcomes any and all.
On Saturday, October 18, 2014, Bishop Alan Gates joined parishioners and clergy of St. Luke’s to dedicate the newly reconstructed Narthex. A worship service was followed by a celebratory dinner in Dutton Hall.
Reserving Our Space
If you are interested in renting our space for your upcoming event or service, please call the Church Office at (781) 545-9482.